IOMP School Webinars on June 15, and July 20

Dear Colleagues,

IOMP invites you to attend a series of free webinars organized by the IOMP School.

The IOMP School was established in 2016 and its mission is to extend and coordinate teaching activities globally. Since then IOMP Schools have been organized in connection with major medical physics events.

The IOMP School organizes this year a series of webinars to connect experts with learners ensuring continuity in education and training activities.

15 June 2020, 12 noon- 1:00 GMT, Register here:


Prof. K.Y. Cheung
Senior Medical Physicist, Medical Physics and Research Department
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong


Physics aspect of Clinical implementation of MR- Linac


Prof. Arun Chougule
IOMP School webinar Organiser
Senior Professor & Head
Department of radiological Physics
SMS Medical College & hospitals, JAIPUR, INDIA

20 July 2020, 12 noon- 1:00 GMT, Register here:


Prof. John Damilakis
Chairman, Department of Medical Physics
School of Medicine
University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece


Understanding the limitations of current CT dosimetry and the way forward


Prof. Eva Bezak
Professor of Medical Radiation
University of South Australia
Adelaide, Australia

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