AFOMP Secretary-General’s Message

Dear colleagues,
It is my great honour and pleasure to be the AFOMP Secretary-General for the term of 2023-2025. With reference to the AFOMP constitutions, I will try my very best to work with the executive committee (ExCom) and the national member organizations (NMO) to achieve the organization goals.

I am deeply humbled by your trust and support. I look forward to working with the AFOMP family, the regional and global medical physics communities in moving the profession forward in the coming years.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ExCom and its committee members of the previous terms for their tremendous dedication and hard work. They have brought AFOMP together over the past two decades and created significant impacts to the community worldwide.

We congratulate the organisers of AOCMP2022, IUPESM WC2022, AFOMP School, webinar and related scientific events for bringing us a wonderful scientific avenue at this challenging time. I hope these events have benefited our members.

This year, we will continue to deliver more. I am looking forward to see you all in the coming events, especially during the 25th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP) in conjunction with our very own AOCMP 2023, which will be held in Mumbai, India on 6th-9th December 2023.   

Congratulations to the AFOMP Newsletter Editorial team for your incredible contributions as the AFOMP’s mass media. It promotes a better information dissemination and communication platform among the community.

I would like to encourage all our members to actively participate in AFOMP activities and interact with us on how we could make it better. Together we learn, serve and contribute!

Wishing you all be blessed with bundle of happiness, good health and prosperity in the New Year 2023.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Aik Hao Ng
Secretary-General, AFOMP