Dear Reader,
Greetings to all of you.
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
– Albert Einstein
Medical Physicists as health professionals need to keep updated with recent knowledge and skills so as to maintain the professional competency in the rapidly changing health professional dynamics. In the last 2-3 decades there is rapid technological innovations in diagnostic and treatment modalities employing ionising radiation. Further the surge in applications of artificial intelligence and large data mining in health care for diagnosis and treatment of various ailments, complexity of the procedures has put on enormous pressure on the medical physicists to acquire added skills to remain relevant in the profession. The medical physics education and training curriculum is undergoing revisions to include many advanced and relevant topics. Similarly medical physicists working in health care need to participate in academic and training activities and acquire continuation profession development.AFOMP is trying hard to full fill its objectives of professional developments and academic excellence. Your active participation and involvement in various AFOMP academic and professional activities has encouraged the AFOMP team.
The triennial international conference of medical physics ICMP2023 of IOMP is being held along with AOCMP2023 [AFOMP annual conference] and AMPICON2023 in Mumbai, India during 6 – 9 December 2023. [www.icmp2023.org]. This is going to be a mega event with participation of national and international faculty and delegates. The theme of the conference is event is” Innovation in radiation technology & medical physics for better healthcare”. This clearly indicates that the focus will be on newer technologies such as artificial intelligence, large data mining, machine learning, molecular imaging in radiotherapy and virtual simulations as a future to all technical and professional developments. These fields have opened the whole new dimensions of research in medical physicswhich ought toimpact on the medical physics profession.
So, I welcome you all to ICMP2023 & AOCMP 2023 in “city of dreams” i.e., Mumbai, India. In addition to academics a great opportunity to explore the rich Indian culture and heritage. Mumbai is very well connected to every part of India and the world. I am sure warm Indian hospitality will win your hearts. I am looking forward to seeing you all there.
I want to congratulate the editorial team of AFOMP Pulsenewsletter for this wonderful publication. This is the official mouthpiece of AFOMP to communicate with you all. Now it comes as an online newsletter, which is a great step towards sustainability. I hope you all will enjoy reading it.
Finally, I wish you great health and happiness.
Looking forward to meeting you all in Mumbai during ICMP2023 in December 2023
Prof. Arun Chougule
Immediate Past President, AFOMP