Apply for AFOMP Travel Awards for AOCMP 2025 before May 1st, 2025 !

Download this Announcement and Application Form

25th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) 2025
29 September- 4 October 2025, Adelaide, Australia

Goals of the Awards

  1. To assist medical physicists from the developing countries in the AFOMP region to attend and present their work at the 25 th AOCMP.
  2. To foster international co-operation in the field of medical physics between AFOMP member countries.

The Awards

  1. Up to US$ 500 for each successful applicant from within AFOMP region

Mandatory Requirements

  1. The applicant shall be a medical physicist (including medical physics students) currently practicing in an AFOMP member country1; and
  2. If an applicant is practicing in a country in which there is an AFOMP member organization, the applicant must be a member of that organization and the member organization must be up-to-date with its AFOMP subscription; and
  3. The applications shall be verified and endorsed by the respective AFOMP member organizations (this condition may be exempted for applicants from countries where medical physics organizations do not exist); and
  4. The applicant shall have at least one abstract accepted for presentation at the 25th AOCMP; and
  5. The Awards will be presented and payment made at the Congress closing ceremony; and
  6. The awardee shall submit a short report by October 30, 2025 to the AFOMP Secretary-General and to the awardee’s Medical Physics Association/Society on what was learnt at the Congress and how he/she intends to apply that in his/her own country

Selection Criteria

Higher priority will be given to the following.

  • Applicants from the developing countries/areas.
  • Candidate must have abstract submitted, which is accepted and awarded as oral presentation
  • The value to the applicants in promoting medical physics in their institutions/countries in attending the congress. Applicants with higher quality abstracts
  • Younger scientists will avail this award.

Application Procedure

  1. Complete application form given below must be emailed to: Dr Aik Hao Ng, the AFOMP Secretary General ( and copy to the Chair of Awards & Honors Committee ( by 1st May 2025
  2. Applications received shall be considered by the Awards & Honors Committee2, whose decision shall be final. Applicants should provide in their applications all relevant information for assessment by the Committee.

1 Medical physicists practicing in the developing countries in the AFOMP region but not yet an AFOMP member may also apply.
2 Membership: John Drew (Australia), James Lee (Singapore), Wada Shinichi (Japan) and Kanchan Adhikari (Nepal), 2025

Download this Announcement and Application Form