Policy Statement 1:
The role, responsibilities and status of the clinical medical physicist in AFOMP.
The document was developed by the AFOMP Professional Development Committee (PDC) and was approved and released by the AFOMP Council in 2006. The main purpose of the document is to give guidance to AFOMP member organizations on the role and responsibilities of clinical medical physicists. The document also provides definition of clinical medical physicist. Further this document discusses the following topics:

  • Professional aspects of education and training
  • Responsibilities of the clinical medical physicist
  • Status and organization of the clinical medical physics service
  • The need for clinical medical physics service

Download: Policy Statement 1

Policy Statement 2:
Recommended clinical radiation oncology medical physicist staffing levels in AFOMP countries.
The document was developed by the AFOMP Professional Development Committee (PDC) and was released by the AFOMP Council in 2009. The main purpose of the document is to give guidance for minimum medical physicists required for providing medical physics services to a radiation oncology department. A calculation scheme is presented to estimating minimum medical physics staffing requirements that is primarily based on number of equipments, equipment levels & complexicity of treatment and patient numbers in addition to allowances for staff training, professional development and leave requirements.

Download: Policy Statement 2

Policy Statement 3:
Recommendations for the education and training of medical physicists in AFOMP countries
This policy statement, which is the third of a series of documents, prepared by the joint efforts of the PDC, ETC, SC Committees of AFOMP in 2011. This provides guidance for designing & developing medical physicist education and training programs. The policy is compatible with the standards being promoted by the International Organization for Medical Physics and the International Medical Physics Certification Board.

Download: Policy Statement 3

Policy Statement 4:
Recommendations for continuing professional development systems for medical physicists in AFOMP countries.
The document was developed by the AFOMP Professional Development Committee (PDC) and was released by the AFOMP Council in 2012. It gives guidance to member countries to develop a continuing professional development system for ensuring that the knowledge, skill and competency of clinical medical physicists are up-to-date so as to discharge the responsibilities effectively & efficiently.

Download: Policy Statement 4

Policy Statement 5:
Career progression for clinical medical physicists in AFOMP countries.
The document was developed by the AFOMP Professional Development Committee (PDC) and was released by the AFOMP Council in 2015. It gives guidance on how clinical medical physicists’ careers should progress from their initial training as career progress. It is intended to be advisory and sets out options for member countries and employers of clinical medical physicists to develop suitable career structures in their countries.

Download: Policy Statement 5

Policy Statement 6:
Code of ethics for medical physicists in AFOMP Countries
This policy statement is prepared by the Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP) Professional Development Committee, gives guidance on how medical physicists in AFOMP countries should conduct themselves in an ethical manner in their professional practice.It was developed after the ethics policies and codes of conducts of several medical physics societies and other professional organisations were studied. The policy was adopted at the Annual General Meeting of AFOMP held in Jaipur, India, in November 2017.

Download: Policy Statement 6

Policy Statement 1 Publication

Policy Statement 2 Publication