Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year 2023! I hope all of you are doing well. As a newly elected vice president, I would like to introduce myself with a short personal introduction before sharing some of my visions for the professional development of the AFOMP.
Currently I am working as a Director and Professor of the Centre for Biomedical Science and Engineering, United International University (UIU). I was the Chairman and Professor of the Dept of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Gono Bishwabidyalay (GB, University) for 16 years and Dean, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, GB for 6 years. I have completed MSc in Medical Physics through DAAD scholarship. Afterward, I received PhD degree in Medical Physics from National University through a sandwich program between OWSD (Organization for Women in Science for the developing world) and NU, under OWSD fellowship, Trieste, Italy. My PhD research station was Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, China and German Cancer Research Center, Germany. I am the recipient of the Outstanding Medical Physicists Award, AFOMP 2020, and the International Medical Physics Award, IOMP 2018. I am also an associate editor of Physics Medica, a member of the European Journal of Medical Physics and the Editorial Board of the Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, the Bangladesh coordinator for the multilingual dictionary MP, EMITEL, and IOMP, and a reviewer of many articles in international journals. About 40 research works were published in different national and international journals and books. Many national and international conferences and workshops have been organized by me. I am the Founder President of the Bangladesh Medical Physics Society (BMPS), the Vice President of the Bangladesh Association of Women Scientists (BAWS), a Regular Associate Member of the ICTP, a Member of the Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS), the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), the Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPI), the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), and a Member of the Asia-Oceania Federation As the first woman in Bangladesh with an MSc in MP, I worked with the Directorate of Health Services and the Ministry of Health to develop GO and unified recruitment rules for all hospitals.
I am honored to be appointed Vice President (2023-2025) of the AFOMP, which is one of the largest, most vibrant, and oldest medical physics communities in Asia-Oceania. During my term as a secretary for 2019–2022, I have been in close contact with all the officers on the AFOMP board, as well as NMOs and affiliated bodies. It is my hope and my intention to let the same spirit saturate my actions in the coming years of my new role. As VP, I will follow and facilitate all decisions made by the president, and as chair of the AHC, I will solicit nomination criteria for each award from other new members. I will try to stimulate the young generations through each NMOs to get enough nominees for each award. I believe that all the great objectives of AFOMP that are in front of us can only be reached through teamwork and the collaboration of the entire community of medical physicists. I’m ready to work with all AFOMP officers, committee members, NMO presidents, and delegates, as well as every single medical physicist who is willing to provide some of his or her time to AFOMP operations. One of my responsibilities is to facilitate the transformation of great, viable proposals into reality.
Last but not least, I would like to congratulate Dr. V. Subramani, Editor, AFOMP Newsletter, and his team for their continuous efforts to make this productive creation, which has been an important media to share activities, knowledge, and the present status of medical physics with its reader.
Prof. Dr. Hasin Anupama Azhari
Vice President and Chair of Awards & Honors Committee, AFOMP