Dear Readers,
Warm Greetings to all,
On behalf of the editorial board, I am delighted to present you all this year second edition of AFOMP PULSE, an official newsletter of Asia-Oceania Federations of organization for Medical Physics, Volume.15 issue.2.
This issue is presented with lots of professional information of AFOMP activities such as official’s messages and ExCom accomplishments, synopsis of meet the expert’s interview, did you know- marvellous science in action?, professional and scientific articles, Editor’s choice articles in AFOMP journals, PhD abstracts, MCQs, NMO activities and IMPW2023 celebrations, professional news and updates and many other common interesting news on Medical Physics profession for the last six months in the AFOMP regions.
As we stand together in organizing our triennial conference of IOMP, annual conferences of AFOMP, SEAFOMP and AMPI, the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) is planned to celebrate the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP2023) by setting a theme on “IOMP’s 60th Anniversary: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants” to commemorate its diamond jubilee anniversary. It is an ambitious journey and indeed gratifying moment to mark the 60th year of our global Medical Physics organization establishment during ICMP2023 in India.
The phrase “standing on the shoulders of giants” is a metaphor which means “using the understanding gained by major thinkers who have gone before in order to make intellectual progress. By standing on the shoulders of our physics giant’s Roentgen, Marie Curie and Henry Becquerel discoveries and pioneer’s Harold Johns, Franklin, Hounsfield and Cormack and John Mallard inventions in Medical Physics and Radiation Technology have transformed us from traditional scientists to translational clinical specialists for contributing for well-being of human across the global healthcare.
“When we honour the past, and embrace the future; then the present becomes a celebration”- Let us all celebrate IDMP2023. Also, we welcome all our Medical Physics colleagues across the globe to IOMP 25th ICMP2023 along with 23rd AOCMP, 44th AMPICON and ISEACOMP to be held at financial capital of India, at BARC, Mumbai during 06-09th December, 2023 to witness the medical physics scientific feast and unity in diversity of Indian cultural events.
We extend our gratitude for submitting news, articles, abstracts and other information and seeking your feedback on our newsletter, AFOMP Pulse.
Thanks & Regards,
Dr. V .Subramani
Chief Editor, AFOMP Pulse Newsletter