Dear Readers! Warm Greetings On behalf of the editorial board, I am delighted to present you, the year 2025 first edition of AFOMP PULSE, an official newsletter of Asia Oceania… more
Dear AFOMP Colleagues and friends, Welcome to the first edition of AFOMP PULSE Newsletter in 2025. I would like to thank all our members and my ExCom colleagues for their… more
Dear esteemed colleagues and friends, It is my pleasure to write message for the AFOMP Newsletter. AFOMP is a MP organization that serves the update of knowledge and development of… more
Dear Readers, I wish you a very happy, healthy and fruitful new year 2025 New year has come with new opportunities to learn more, upgrade skills and stay current in… more
Dear colleagues, Wishing you a wonderful start to 2025! I sincerely appreciate your continued support and collaboration, which have been instrumental to bring AFOMP to a greater height. I look… more
Prepared by Dr. Rajni Verma, Assistant Professor , Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College and Hospitals,India more
A/Prof Natalka Suchowerska has worked at the junction of research, the clinic and academia for close to 40 years. In medical physics her area of expertise is in the use… more
Sourced from Internet by Dr. Rajni Verma, Assistant Professor , Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College and Hospitals,India more
Sourced by A/Prof Vanessa Panettieri, Editor (Educational), AFOMP Pulse Over the past six months, the AFOMP Journals—Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, Journal of Medical Physics, and Radiological Physics and… more
The big North-South venture to solve the dark matter puzzle Sourced by A/Prof Vanessa Panettieri, Editor (Educational), AFOMP Pulse You’ve probably heard that (astro)particle physicists have been searching for dark… more
Automated lattice radiation therapy treatment planning personalised to tumour size and shape Mathieu Gaudreault, Kelvin K. Yu, David Chang, Tomas Kron, Nicholas Hardcastle, Sarat Chander, Adam Yeo, Physica Medica, Volume… more
Prof Arun Chougule PhD, FIOMP, FAMSChair ETC and Chairman IOMP accreditation BoardImmediate Past President of AFOMPMember Board of Directors IMPCBarunchougule11@gmail.com Introduction The field of cancer treatment has been significantly transformed… more
Edited by Gilmer Valdes and Lei XingMd Akhtaruzzaman, PhD, Radiation Oncology Department, Evercare Hospital Chattogram, Bangladesh Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being incorporated into radiation oncology and medical physics. A… more
Prepared by Dr. Rajni Verma, Assistant Professor , Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College and Hospitals,India The Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP) hosted a special webinar on March 5,… more
4th International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology and Imaging – 2025,Dhaka, Bangladesh The 4th International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology and Imaging (ICMPROI 2025) was held… more
Contribution by Dr Zulaikha Jamalludin Editor (Professional), AFOMP Pulse Medical physics is an essential field within healthcare, combining physics principles with medical applications to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment,… more
Contribution by Dr Zulaikha Jamalludin Editor (Professional), AFOMP Pulse Medical Physics Training (https://www.medicalphysicstraining.com/) offers a range of online courses tailored for medical professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge in various… more
Byungchul Cho, Ph.D. Chair, AFOMP Funding Committee Here are some updates from the Funding Committee Funding Committee Vision & Mission: We are pleased to report these positive developments and look… more
Chair PRC: Dr Mary Joan Greetings from AFOMP PRC to one and all. As the current PRC-AFOMP is entering the third and final year of the tenure, I would like… more
Pioneering Symposium in “Advances in Medical Physics for Future Generation”On the occasion ofInternational Day of Medical Physics (IDMP)Theme: Inspiring the Next Generation of Medical Physicists23rd November 2024Boopalan BalajiChief Medical Physicist… more
SCMPCR E-Learning Program (ELP-09): An Initiative to Advance Brachytherapy Practices 1. Introduction The South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR), in collaboration with the Alo Bhubon Trust… more
To commemorateInternational Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) & International Day of Radiology (IDoR)30th November 2024 On 30th November 2024, a conference on Radiation Applications in Medicine with the theme ‘Inspiring… more
The Institut de Cancérologie de Seine-et-Marne (ICSM) is proud to be at the forefront of adopting innovative technologies in cancer treatment. Our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including TrueBeam… more
We are pleased to announce submissions are now open for Special Symposium sessions for the IUPESM World Congress 2025. Special Symposium is an important element to our Congress program, and… more
Meet your Congress Ambassadors International Scientific Chair Prof M. Mahesh, MS, PhD, FAAPM, FACR, FACMP, FSCCT, FIOMP Professor of Radiology and CardiologyJohns Hopkins UniversityUnited States Global Health/Post-Pandemic/Preparedness Prof Leandro Pecchia… more
Md. Anwarul Islam1, Md. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury2, Golam Abu Zakaria3 1PhD Student, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh2Professor of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh3Professor of Clinical Engineering, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences,… more
Kanakavel Kandasamya, Dr. James Jebaseelan Samuelba – Research Scholar; b – Research GuideDepartment of Physics, School of Advanced Science, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. Modern cancer radiotherapy treatments… more
PresidentProf. Eva Bezak, PhD, FACPSEMProfessor in Medical Radiation,University of South AustraliaAdelaide, AustraliaEmail: eva.bezak@adelaide.edu.au Vice President & Chair of Awards and Honors CommitteeProf. Dr. Hasin Anupama AzhariDepartment of Medical Physics and… more
AFOMP PULSE NEWSLETTEREditorial Board (2023-2025) Chief EditorDr.V.Subramani (India) AFOMP PresidentProf.Eva Bezak (Australia) AFOMP Secretary-GeneralDr.Aik Hao Ng (Malaysia) Editor (Scientific)Dr.M. Akhtaruzzman(Bangladesh) Editor (Educational)Dr.Vanessa Panettieri(Australia) Editor (Professional)Dr.Zulaikha(Malaysia) Editor (Technical)Dr.Rajni Verma(India) more