Interviewed by Associate Prof Dr Mary Joan Synopsis The Asia Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP) founded on 20 May 2000 is striving to promote medical physics in…
Officers PositionNameVice PresidentEva BezakSecretary-GeneralMagdalena StoevaTreasurerIbrahim Duhaini Chairs of Committees PositionNameScienceMahesh MahadevappaEducation and TrainingArun ChouguleProfessional RelationsSimone Kodlulovich RenhaPublicationsFrancis HasfordAwards and HonoursKwan Hoong NgMedical Physics World BoardChai Hong Yeong Further AFOMP is…
Register for March 4, 2021 WebinarDownload this Webinar BrochureView latest Monthly Webinar Schedule for H1, 2021 Register for March 4, 2021 WebinarDownload this Webinar BrochureView latest Monthly Webinar Schedule for…
AFOMP conducted awards ceremony on Dec 17, 2020. The program was conducted on line via zoom meeting. Members can view the award ceremony below.