Prof. Eva Bezak, PhD, FACPSEM
Professor in Medical Radiation,
University of South Australia
Adelaide, Australia
Email: eva.bezak@adelaide.edu.au

Vice President & Chair of Awards and Honors Committee
Prof. Dr. Hasin Anupama Azhari
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (MPBME),
United International University, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Email: ahasinanupama@gmail.com

Secretary General
Dr. Aik Hao Ng
Senior Lecturer and medical physicist
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
AFOMP correspondence should be addressed to:
Email: sg.afomp@gmail.com

Immediate Past President
Prof. Arun Chougule
Dean &Chief Academic Officer
Swasthya KalyanGroup of Institutions, Jaipur
& Ex-Dean Faculty of Paramedical Sciences
Ex-Pro Vice-Chancellor, Rajasthan University of health Sciences,
Ex-Sr. Professor & Head, Department of Radiological Physics

Dr. Taweap Sanghangthum
Assistant Professor and medical physicist Faculty of Medicine,
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Email: mairt34@yahoo.com

Chair, Science Committee
Prof. Shigekazu Fukuda, Japan
Professor, National Institute of Radiological Sciences,
National, Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Email: fukuda.shigekazu@qst.go.jp

Chair, Education & Training Committee
Prof. Xiance jin
Chief medical physicist and Vice director Radiation and Medical Oncology Department,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University
Email: jinxc1979@hotmail.com

Chair, Professional Relations Committee
Dr. Mary Joan
Associate Professor and Radiological Safety Officer,
Department of Radiation Oncology
Christian Medical College and Hospital,
Ludhiana Punjab, India 141008
Email: mary.joan@cmcludhiana.in

Chair, Funding Committee
Prof. Byungchul Cho
Professor and Medical Physicist
Department of Radiation Oncology, Asan Medical Center,
University of Ulsan College of Medicine
Email: cho.byungchul@gmail.com

Chair, Publication Committee
Dr. V. Subramani
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Dr. B.R.A.IRCH, AIIMS New Delhi, India
Email: manismpaiims@gmail.com

AFOMP Website Manager
Dr. Rajni Verma
Department of Radiological Physics
SMS Medical College and Hospitals, Jaipur, India.302004
E-mail : 1989vermarajni@gmail.com