Upcoming Webinars

March 15, 2025The Role of Medical Physicists in Developing Indigenous Radiation Equipment: Challenges and Success Stories
Speaker: Dr. Senthil Kumar, India, AMPI, Moderator: Dr. Arun Chougule, India, AMPI

Past Webinars

Jan 11, 2025Professional Development: Recognition and Development of Medical Physics in Indonesia
Speaker: Prof. Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro, AFISMI, Moderator: Dr. Mary Joan, AMPI
Nov 16, 2024Recent Progress in Proton and Heavy-ion Therapy
Speaker: Dr. Tianyuan Dai, Moderator: Dr. Jiayun Chen
July 11, 2024I’m a Medical Physicist, Qualified and Experienced: where to next?
Speaker: A/Prof. Natalka Suchowerska Moderator: A/Prof. Cheryl Lian Pei Ling
May 09, 2024Practical Approach to Experimental Brachytherapy Dosimetry
Speaker: Dr. Rajni Verma Moderator: Dr. Dayananda Shamurailatpam Sharma
Mar 14, 2024Radiomics and deep learning applications for lung cancer diagnosis and radiation therapy
Speaker: Prof. Fang-Fang Yin Moderator: Prof. Ruijie Yang
Jan 11, 2024Quantitative Theranostic Nuclear Medicine: How far are we from personalised dosimetry?
Speaker: Prof. Chai Hong Yeong Moderator: Prof. Jeannie Wong Hsiu Ding
Nov 02, 2023Handling Medical Emergencies in Radionuclide-Administered Patients
Speaker: Dr. Subhash Kheruka, Moderator: Prof. Parinaz Mehnati
Sep 07, 2023Principles and clinical applications of MR-Linac
Speaker: Dr. Jiayun Chen Moderator: Ms. Nur Rahmah Hidayati
Aug 03, 2023The Clinical Application Introduction of MRI Simulation for Radiation Therapy
Speaker: Dr. Guangzhong Gong Moderator: Dr. Jiazhou Wang
Jul 06, 2023Principles of Brachytherapy
Speaker: Dr Mary Joan Moderator: Dr. Sudesh Deshpande
June 01, 2023Introduction to Radiation Oncology Project of FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia)
Speaker: Prof. Shigekazu Fukuda Moderator: Dr. Kimi Bin Yang
May 04, 2023Medical Physics Contribution to Women’s Health and Radiation Safety
Speaker: Prof. Hasin Anupama Azhari Moderator: Dr Md Akhtaruzzamani
Apr 06, 2023The review of cumulative doses from radiological imaging and the risk of cancer in children and young adults
Speaker: Dr. Eva Bezak Moderator: Prof. Natalka Suchowerska
Mar 02, 2023PET/CT for Radiotherapy Therapy Planning
Speaker: Dr. Aik Hao Ng Moderator: Dr. Xiadong Li
Nov 03, 2022Biologically Targeted Radiotherapy: Utilising Imaging Biomarkers for Precision Radiation Therapy and Treatment Response
Speaker: Prof Annette Howorth, Moderator: Dr Aik Hao Ng
Oct 06, 2022Current Status and Future Directions of Proton Therapy: Physics Point of View
Speaker: Prof Youngyih Han Moderator: Dr Arvind Shukla
Sep 01, 2022Global Medical Physics Scenario and Need for Interdisciplinary Approach
Speaker: Prof Arun Chougule Moderator: Md Jobairul Islam
Aug 04, 2022 Clinical Implementation of 4D Ultrasound Image Guided Radiation Therapy System: Physics Perspectives
Speaker: Dr V Subramani, Moderator: Dr Kanchan Adhikari
July 07, 2022Approaching MR-Linac Planning and Quality Assurance
Speaker: Dr. Kimi Yang, Moderator: Dr Gourav Jain
June 03, 2022 Nuclear and Radiological emergencies- Role of Medical Physicist
Speaker: Dr. S Murali Iyengar, Moderator: Dr. Mary Joan
May 06, 2022Brachytherapy – basics to recent advances
Speaker: Dr Joel Poder, Moderator: Ms. Jeevanshu Jain
April 01, 2022APSIG activities for benefit of AFOMP region
Speaker: Dr. Simon Downes, Moderator: Dr. Suresh Poudel
March 04, 2022Regional clinical training for medical physics in a changing world
Speakers: Dr. Donald Mclean and Dr. Anne Perkins, Moderator: Dr. J. Jeyasugiththan
February 11 2022Moving from a functional alignment to an anatomical alignment of radiation oncology medical physics services
Speaker: Dr. Sean Geoghegan, Moderator: Dr. V Subramani
January 06, 2022A Radioprotective Apron Design for radiation workers
Speaker: Dr. Pradip Deb, Moderator: Dr. Kitiwat Khamwan
Dec 02, 2021 Monitor Unit Calculation for Photon and Electron Beams
Speaker: Dr. S D Sharma, Moderator: Lam thi the Nguyen
Nov 11, 2021The Augmented Role of the Medical Physicist in Radiation Emergencies
Speaker: Dr. Brad Cassels, Moderator: Dr. Mary Joan
Oct 15, 2021Image Guided Application in Radiation Therapy
Speaker: Dr. Tae Suk Suh, Moderator: Dr. Michael Lee
Sep 02, 2021 Radiomics and Radiogenomics with AI for Oncology
Speaker: Dr Arimura Hidetaka, Moderator: Dr. Hui-Yu Tsai
Aug 05, 2021 Technological advances in Intraoperative radiotherapy
Speaker: Dr. Jianrong Dai, Moderator: Dr. Aik Hao Ng
July 08, 2021The IAEA TCS71: Guidelines for the Certification of Clinically Qualified Medical Physicists
Speaker: Giorgia Loreti, Moderator: Dr.  Arun Chougule
June 3rd, 2021Knowledge-based planning: research and practice for cancer treatment
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Yibao Zhang, Moderator: Dr Mary Joan 
May 6, 2021Basic Principles, Dose Planning, Advantages and Quality Assurance of a Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hyun-Tai Chung, Moderator: Dr Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro 
Apr 1, 2021Biological Paradigms Affecting Radiotherapy Outcome
Speaker: Dr. Hossein Mozdarani, Moderator: Dr. Md Akhtaruzzaman
Mar 04, 2021An overview of targeted beta and alpha therapies
Speaker: Dr. Eva Bezak, Moderator: Dr. Hajime Monzen
Feb 11, 2021IAEA TRS-398 “Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beam Radiotherapy”
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Chen-Shou Chui, Moderator: Dr. V.Subramani
Jan 7, 2021Proton Therapy: Why and How?
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Chen-Shou Chui, Moderator: Dr. V. Subramani
Dec 10, 2020Recent Advances in Brachytherapy and Challenges
Speaker: Dr. D.N. Sharma, Moderator: Mr. Delmar Arzabal
Nov 5, 2020Diagnostic Reference Levels [DRLs]
Speaker: Prof. Arun Chougule, Moderator: Dr. Jeannie Wong
Oct 1, 2020Establishment of Nuclear Medicine Facility and Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chai Hong Yeong, Moderator: Dr. J. Jeyasugiththan
Sep 3, 2020Dosimetry of Small Photon Radiation Fields: Comparison of the IAEA TRS- 483 and the German DIN 6809-8
Speaker: Prof. Dr.Golam Abu Zakaria, Moderator: Dr. Kanchan P. Adhikari
Aug 6, 2020Comprehensive Proton Therapy Machine Quality Assurance: AAPM TG 224
Speaker: Prof. Sung Yong Park, Moderator: Prof. Anupama Azhari
Jul 2, 2020Presentation title : Radiobiology of Radiotherapy- NSD to BED
Speaker: Prof. Arun Chougule, Moderator: Dr. Chai Hong Yeong
Jun 5, 2020Total Body Irradiation with X-rays and Electrons: Dosimetry and Techniques
Speaker: Prof. Tomas Kron, Dr. Peta Lonski, Moderator: Prof. Xiance Jin